Sunday, May 31, 2009

Day 6

Church was awesome today. Will talked about how following your heart can lead you astray, i.e. David and Bathsheba and how when making decisions getting wise counsel and seeking God and God's word is more appropriate than "following your heart". We also sang "The Battle belongs to the Lord" which made me think of my bondage to food and how breaking that bondage is a battle I can give over to God. Hallelujah! As for my eating today, I did allright and didn't eat anything bad but I probably ate a little more quantity than I planned. I also didn't exercise but I start boot camp tomorrow so I am resting up. Tomorrow also is my first day to weigh. Yikes.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Day Five

Overall today was a good day. Probably ate a little more beef schezchuan than I needed but I did resist the ice cream.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Day Four

Okay so today I was very motivated because I cleaned my closet and found lots of clothes that I haven't been able to wear for quite awhile. Some I threw away but some I am looking forward to getting back in. I also threw away the winter clothes that are my current size since by winter I will be a different size. By threw away I mean gave to Twin City Missions. On this journey to 100, I am going to break it up in to 5 trips to 20. In other words I will have 5 short term goals of 20 pounds each. I think at each of those breaks I will change a size, so since I am starting at a size 20, the first stop will be at a size 18. That is the size of the Michael Kors pants in the first video. I found the next two stops after that in my closet, size 16 and size 14. When I get to size 12 and ultimately to size 10, I will have to buy new things. Can't wait!!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Day Three

Today was a good day. After work, I did my water aerobics and then had some time to float and read which is my favorite pastime. Then the family came to swim which is always good. I had already decided what I was having for dinner...protein shake, so it was easier to turn down the invite to go out to dinner. In fact I am thinking about taking the Suze Orman challenge and not go out to eat for a month. That would have twofold benefits, both financial and healthy eating. Of course I would have to make an exception when I travel, which I am dreading what that is going to do to my eating habits as well as exercise. I am going to try to do Layne's boot camp which starts next Monday.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Day Two

It was a good day. I was a little sore from the exercise which was good and I am a little hungry tonight. I wish I was already on Day 30. I can't wait to see some progress.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Well this is the end of my first day on my "Journey to 100". It feels like a successful start, I've kept my food journal and my exercise log. I forgot I was going to have another protein shake in the evening so tomorrow I will do that. It's important that I make this first week a really good start because next Tuesday I will be going to Chicago for a week and it will be harder to eat healthy while traveling. I need some short term goals because 100 pounds in a year is a great long term goal but I need shorter goals for motivation.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Night before day 1

Tomorrow is the first day of my "journey to 100". One hundred pounds of weight loss that is, following Mandisa's example.