Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Middle of Week Seven

I haven't blogged lately because there really isn't much new to say. I am continuing with my plan and have lost 19 pounds so far. I have started walking in the mornings and I really like it. I continue to find new healthy ways to eat so it's not boring. One more pound and I will be a fifth of the way. That will definitely be time to do another video.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

End of Fifth Week

I made it through a birthday party without eating cake which is a small miracle. I also limited my party food to fruit and vegetables and yogurt dip and hummus. Hopefully it will payoff tomorrow on the scale but if not, well I wore the first goal pants to the birthday party so that is already a payoff. Also, all of my clothes are fitting a lot looser and some will soon have to be given away, never to be worn again. YEA!


Thursday, June 25, 2009

End of First Month

Well I've been doing this for a month now and I believe it has become a habit. I haven't had sugar in the form of a dessert in the entire month, of course I have had sugar in things like ketchup or BBQ sauce. I also have not had white bread, potatoes, butter, or cheese. I started walking a couple of days ago and today I walked a mile and a half. I will continue with that until Monday and then bump it to 2 miles. I know it's going to be a long haul, this journey of mine but I'm down.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

End of Week Four

This is the end of four weeks on the journey to losing 100 pounds. Tomorrow is my weigh day to see how far I have come on this journey. I am going to start posting my food journal also.

"Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever
ye do, do all to the glory of God."
1 Corinthians 10:31
Week 3 Food Journal

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Day Twenty Four - A Realization

It is actually getting easier. I've noticed that I don't think about what I am not going to eat, but just what I am going to eat. There are so many good things to choose. Today I had yogurt and blueberries and walnuts and it was awesome. Yesterday I went out to eat and had a chicken fajita salad and used the salsa for dressing. It was great, and I enjoyed the lunch with my friend just as much as I would have if I had eaten enchiladas, rice, beans and a basket full of chips. I know this is going to need to be a way of life for me, and I am beginning to think it is possible.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Day Twenty Two

Today was a good day, I swam early today and it felt great. I also wore some clothes tonight that I have not been able to wear for awhile. So far, so good.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Beginning of Week Four

Hallelujah, I made it through a Schlitterbahn vacation weekend without blowing my eating plans and I lost 6 more pounds last week. That is 12 total. I know, I know, it's still a long way from 100 but every journey begins with the first steps and this journey to 100 has begun with 12.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Day Sixteen

OOPS, I missed a day. I have been eating good but not exercising the last two days. Going to Schlitterbahn tomorrow for the weekend, yea! We're going to eat healthy and have a lot of fun!!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Day Fourteen

I didn't go to boot camp today but I did go to the doctor. I'm feeling much better after getting medicine. I went out to dinner with friends tonight and was very pleased that I made some good choices and that I didn't eat my weight in chips and salsa as I usually do. After dinner I came home and swam. Good day.

Day Thirteen

Well this was a BAD day. I didn't lose any weight my second week and I went to boot camp and it was extremely hard for me. I was Stressed and Depressed. I know better than that, I am too blessed to be stressed and depressed. Come to find out, I have an ear and parotid gland infection, which probably accounts for the mood. Not feeling good will do that to you.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Day Thirteen

Okay, I missed writing on day eleven and twelve. I was traveling on eleven and in Austin on twelve. Both days were okay eating days but I didn't get much exercise. Today is Sunday, so I swam and we had family dinner. It was a good day. Tomorrow I weigh so we will see how good week two has been.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Day Ten

I felt really good today, lots of energy. My eating was good except for maybe a little too much Chinese food tonight. It was heavy on the vegetables but also had rice and sauce.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Day Nine

A very long day...... I did okay in my eating but no real exercise to speak of.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Day Eight

Okay it was a great day. I traveled without messing up. I walked past an Aunt Annie's in the airport, I made a two hour drive without snacks, I went out to eat and ordered wisely. For some these would be everyday occurrences but for me they were monumental steps. I have made food such an important part of my life in the past, that these changes are a big step for me. You know it has been said that you can tell what is important to a person by where there money, time, talents, thoughts, etc. are spent. I admit that a lot of mine has gone to food. Food brings people together, food makes people happy, food bridges gaps. My new challenge is to find healthy foods that will do all the same things.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Day One of Week Two

Today was weigh day and I lost 6 pounds! Yea, only 94 to go. I also started boot camp today which was killer but I did it. Tomorrow and the next few days will be hard because I will be traveling so both eating and exercising will be difficult, but I can do it.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Day 6

Church was awesome today. Will talked about how following your heart can lead you astray, i.e. David and Bathsheba and how when making decisions getting wise counsel and seeking God and God's word is more appropriate than "following your heart". We also sang "The Battle belongs to the Lord" which made me think of my bondage to food and how breaking that bondage is a battle I can give over to God. Hallelujah! As for my eating today, I did allright and didn't eat anything bad but I probably ate a little more quantity than I planned. I also didn't exercise but I start boot camp tomorrow so I am resting up. Tomorrow also is my first day to weigh. Yikes.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Day Five

Overall today was a good day. Probably ate a little more beef schezchuan than I needed but I did resist the ice cream.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Day Four

Okay so today I was very motivated because I cleaned my closet and found lots of clothes that I haven't been able to wear for quite awhile. Some I threw away but some I am looking forward to getting back in. I also threw away the winter clothes that are my current size since by winter I will be a different size. By threw away I mean gave to Twin City Missions. On this journey to 100, I am going to break it up in to 5 trips to 20. In other words I will have 5 short term goals of 20 pounds each. I think at each of those breaks I will change a size, so since I am starting at a size 20, the first stop will be at a size 18. That is the size of the Michael Kors pants in the first video. I found the next two stops after that in my closet, size 16 and size 14. When I get to size 12 and ultimately to size 10, I will have to buy new things. Can't wait!!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Day Three

Today was a good day. After work, I did my water aerobics and then had some time to float and read which is my favorite pastime. Then the family came to swim which is always good. I had already decided what I was having for dinner...protein shake, so it was easier to turn down the invite to go out to dinner. In fact I am thinking about taking the Suze Orman challenge and not go out to eat for a month. That would have twofold benefits, both financial and healthy eating. Of course I would have to make an exception when I travel, which I am dreading what that is going to do to my eating habits as well as exercise. I am going to try to do Layne's boot camp which starts next Monday.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Day Two

It was a good day. I was a little sore from the exercise which was good and I am a little hungry tonight. I wish I was already on Day 30. I can't wait to see some progress.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Well this is the end of my first day on my "Journey to 100". It feels like a successful start, I've kept my food journal and my exercise log. I forgot I was going to have another protein shake in the evening so tomorrow I will do that. It's important that I make this first week a really good start because next Tuesday I will be going to Chicago for a week and it will be harder to eat healthy while traveling. I need some short term goals because 100 pounds in a year is a great long term goal but I need shorter goals for motivation.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Night before day 1

Tomorrow is the first day of my "journey to 100". One hundred pounds of weight loss that is, following Mandisa's example.